I feel knocked up side the head every time I read the news about what Dubya and his gang of flying monkeys is up to. Here is the brain matter that splats out the other side from the blunt force trauma.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Right Wingnuts Emboldened

Through re-districting, we are seeing the emboldenment of the hard core right-wingers. This article about Bush's personal problems with criminalizing illegals is a case in point. Check it out here.

Usually, when the party is losing credibility, the politicians make a mad dash for the center. That's not happening with the immigration debate, at least in the House. There, members are mostly protected through Tom Delay's gerrymandering fixes.

It's actually making for some interesting politics right now. The real whack-jobs are doing their Hitler routine in order to make sure their 30% base of similarly inclined constituents are motivated enough to beat the small minority of centrists in their districts.

This will split the Republican party even more, as some of the Northeastern Republicans will have a hard time watching their party's media dominated by hatred. It will be interesting to see how McCain reacts to all this, as he tries to figure out his strategy for winning the WH.

Stay tuned...


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