I feel knocked up side the head every time I read the news about what Dubya and his gang of flying monkeys is up to. Here is the brain matter that splats out the other side from the blunt force trauma.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

WH to Lie to Congress...Again

Briefings Scheduled for Lawmakers

OK, so now the WH will brief members of the intelligence committees on the NSA wiretapping program. I would imagine this a mostly a PR ploy. I believe Congress has been briefed on this stuff before, but then they read the newspapers about a month later, and they find out that Gonzales or Hayden only told them the tiniest little bit about it--you know, the things they already knew from reading the NY Times or USA Today.

If they want to find out what's really happening, they need to go beyond the administration officials that have proven their capacity to lie directly to them. Why don't they subpoena 20 random NSA employees, give them whistleblower protection and anonymity, put them under oath, and actually get the truth about the program? Oh, I forgot, to do that they would actually have to want to know what's happening, and the Chairman of those committees really don't want to know.

The WH considers Congress subordinate. It's not going to reveal anything it doesn't want to. And judging from the Rubber Stamp coalition on the Hill, they are right about their assumptions.


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